Library of Faith

“Show me  thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. Lead in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait  all  day.”  psalm 25:4-5.




Gibbs DePeza,  Hazel Ann My  Faith, Spiritual Baptist Christian.

Xulon Press, 2007.

Gibbs DePeza,  Hazel Ann Correcting  Misconception; A Review of Caribbean Studies Theses  On The Topic -The Spiritual Baptist Faith.,


The University of The West Indies, St.Augustine, Trinidad.  [Unpublished] 1989.

Gibbs DePeza,  Hazel Ann Clossolalia in The Spiritual Baptist Faith – A linguistic Study. Dissertation.

The University of  The West Indies, St.Augustine, Trinidad. [Unpublished]1996.[a]

Gibbs De Peza,  H.A.  Rev.[ Editor]  

Call Him By His Name – Jesus.

Fishnet  Publications , Cepac- Network, Trinidad. 1996[b].

Stephens, Patricia  

The Spiritual  Baptist Faith.

Karnak House, 1999.

Henry,  Frances  

Reclaiming African Religions in Trinidad.

The UWI Press, 2003.

Laitinen,  Maarit  

Marching to Zion.

Helsinki University Printing House, 2003.

Southland  School of Theology  

The Spiritual Baptist Ministers Manual.

The W.I.U.S.B.S.O. Inc, Trinidad, 1993.

Young,  J.U.  

Black and African Theologies: Siblings or  Distant Cousins?

Orbis Books , New York, 1983.

Jacobs, Curtis M.  

Joy Comes in the Morning [Elton Griffith and the Shouter Baptists]

Caribbean Historical Society , Trinidad,1996.

Lovelace, Earl  

The Wine of Astonishment.

Heinemann, 1982.

Williams,  Eric. E.  

History of The People of Trinidad and Tobago.

Andre Deutsch, London, 1964.

Warner-Lewis , M.  

Guinea’s Other Suns.

Majority Press, U.S.A.1991.

Thomas, Eudora  

Short History of The Spiritual Baptists [commonly called Shouters] 

Development Press., Trinidad. n.d.

Stapleton,  A. L. Archbishop  

The Birth and Growth of The Spiritual Baptist Faith [commonly  called Shouters]

Sooklal Printery, Siparia, Trinidad. 1983.

Richardson, F.  Rev.  

The Origin of  The Baptists. n.p.

Trinidad. n.d. 

Boyd, Paul C.  

The African Origin of Christianity . Volume 1.

[A  Biblical and Historical Account] – Karia Press. 1991.

Hackshaw, John, M.  

The Baptist  Denomination.

A&B Jackson Memorial Society, Trinidad and Tobago.1992.

Gopaul, Whittington, V  

History  and Writings of The Spiritual Baptists.

Printing Plus, St. James, Trinidad. nd

Barrett,  Leonard, E.  

Soul Force – African Heritage in Afro-American  Religion.

Anchor Press, New York, 1974.

Carroll, J. M .  

The Trail of Blood.

Ashland Avenue, Baptist Church, Kentucky.1931.

Cone, James H.  

A Black Theology of Liberation.

Orbis  Books.1990.



By  Spiritual  Baptist  Ministers and Believers.

The King James Version The Holy  Bible.

Thomas Nelson, Inc.1976.

Henry Mathew A Commentary on The Whole Bible Volumes 1-6.

World Bible Publishers. n.d.

Bauckham Richard & Drewery Benjamin [editors] Scripture Tradition and Reason [A study in the Criteria of  Christian Doctrine ]

T&T Clarke Ltd. 1988.

Davis, J.D. Dictionary  of The Bible

Baker House.1983.

McQuilkin, Robertson Understanding and Applying The Bible.

Moody Press.1992.

Vine, W. E. Expository  Dictionary of  Old and New Testament  Words.

[Old Testament edited by  F.F.Bruce]

World Bible Publishers.n.d.

Dallas Theological Seminary FacultyZuck, Roy B. [Editor] A Biblical Theology of The Old Testament.

The  Moody Bible Institute.1991.

Dallas Theological FacultyZuck, Roy B.[Editor] A Biblical Theology  of The New Testament

The Moody  Bible Institute.1994.

Vangemeren, Willem A. Interpreting the Prophetic Word.

Publishing House.1990.

James, S.T.D., L.L.D Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible.

[With Dictionaries of the Hebrew and Greek Words of the Original with  References to  the English Words.]

Christian Heritage Publishing  Company, Inc. 1988.

Bush, L. Russ & Nettles, Tom J. Baptists and The Bible.

Moody Press.1980.

Pache René[Translated] by Needman, Helen I. The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture

Moody Press. 1969

Berkhof, Louis Manual of  Christian  Doctrine.

WM. B. Eedmans  Publishing  Company. 1933.

Bickersteth, Edward Henry The  Trinity.

Kregel  Publications.1957.

Walvoord, John F. The Holy Spirit [A Comprehensive Study of The Person and Work Of the Holy Spirit]

Zondervan Publishing House.1965.

Picirilli, Robert E. Paul   The Apostle.

Moody Press.1986.



By  Spiritual  Baptist  Ministers and Believers.

Bunyan, John The Pilgrim’s Progress.

Barbour and Company, Inc .1985.

Warren, Rick The Purpose  Driven Life.

Zondervan, 2002.

Mc Grath, Alister The Journey [A Pilgrim in the Lands of the Spirits]
Doubleday, 2000.
Watchman, Nee The  Spiritual  Man

Christian Fellowship Publishers, Inc, 1977.

Spurgeon, Charles Lectures to My  Students

Zondervan Publishing House, n.d

Floyd, Ronnie W. The Power of Prayer and Fasting

Broadman&Holman Publishers, 1997

Finney, Charles G. Finney’s  Systematic  Theology.

Bethany Fellowship Inc. 1976.

Swindoll, Charles R. So you want to be like Christ ?

[Eight essentials to get you there.]

W Publishing Group, a Division of Thomas Nelson Inc. 2005.

Stanley, Charles How to listen to God

Thomas Nelson  Publishers,1985.

Stanley, Charles Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Thomas Nelson ,Inc.2005.

Graham, Billy The Journey [How to live by faith in an uncertain World.]

W Publishing Group.2006.

Blackaby, Henry T. & King Claude V. Experiencing  God.[ Knowing and Doing the Will of God]

Broadman & Holman Publishers , 2004.