Contact Us

Contact us by Email, Telephone or Snail mail

We take our visitors very seriously. While our aim is to make our website easy to understand, and navigate we know there are times when you may need a bit of assistance.

We have provided a number of ways for you to get in touch with us:


For information or assistance:

All email correspondence is completely confidential.


  • 1-868-642-8595 (General Secretary)

Public Relations Officer:

Rev Fitzroy Gibson:

Prayer Lines:

  • Rev.Mth. Ester Thompson ———- 485-1999.
  • Rev.Mth. Cynthia Joseph ———- 303-2639.
  • Rev.Mth. Bernice Cooper ———– 639-6045 or 737-3148 [Tobago]
  • Deaconess Joanne Antoine ——- 709-7308 or 381/8934.
  • Deaconess Shirley Marcelle —– 745/5286 [after]

Snail Mail:

Send your inquiries to:

Rev. Mother June Diaz
General Secretary
West Indian United Spiritual Baptist Sacred Order Inc.
P.O. Box 7722
La Romaine
Trinidad. W.I.