The Mothers Union Court is the Women Ministry Arm of The West Indian United Spiritual Baptist Sacred Order Inc.
Head Quarters Mt.Paran S.B.Church, Pond Street, La Romaine.Trinidad.W.I.
Aims and Objectives
[a] To organize and establish whenever necessary throughout the West Indies, branches of The Mothers Union, for the furthering of Religious, Cultural, Educational and Social development of its members.
[b] To examine, initiate and promote members and other officers into the duties and other administrational Principles of the Mothers Union.
[c] To do such other lawful and religious acts as to develop further the spiritual and educational knowledge of the Union members.
[d] To assist The Ministers in administration wherever and whenever possible.
The Mothers Union Court Constitution was duly passed by the then Executive Board of the W.I.U.S.B.S.O.Inc. on the 26th day of February, in the year of Our Lord, One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seventy-four [1974] .Present were the then-
His Grace The Archbishop the Rt.Rev. Harvey Glaud; His Lordship the Bishop the Rt. Reverend Ivan Lancaster; The Dean the Rt. Reverend Felix. AJ. Absalom; Reverend Canon Lloyd Glaud; Reverend David Cox; Reverend Canon Sylvester Botas; Reverend Canon Lionel P.J.Peters.
The Delegate Board
The full authority governing the Mothers Union is a Delegate Board of three[3] Officers, namely two[2] Mother Superiors and Chairperson. Presently,
Her Excellency Reverend Mother Rhona Lancaster, Mother Superior.
The Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee is comprised of Ordained mothers, including two [2] Ex-Officio members with a quorum of five [5]. Meetings are held every second [2nd] Saturday of each month.
The Executives are to draft matters and put to the Central Executive Committee for discussion.
The Central Committee.
The Central Committee comprises of the entire membership. Meetings are held every 4th Saturday of each month at Headquarters and is responsible for the entire working and upkeep of the Mothers Union Court.
Dean Rev.Mth. Bernice Thomas
Rev.Mth. Daphne Clinton – Area Superintendant [North/West];
Rev.Mth. Angela Patrick – Area Superintendant[North/East];
Rev.Mth. Maizen Brown Mc Burnette – Area Superintendant [Central];
Rev.Mth. Adella Dickerson – Area Superintendant [South];
Rev.Mth. Joan Marshall – Area Superintendant [South/Western]
The work of the Mothers Union Court is basically financed by the memberships contribution which is paid every month. A percentage of which goes into a sick fund. These quantum are determined from time to time .
Donation from individuals and corporate citizens are welcomed.
Having been led, as we believe by The Spirit if GOD to receive The Lord JESUS CHRIST as Our Saviour and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of The FATHER, and of The SON, and of The Holy Spirit, we faithfully vow to be pious mothers and sisters in the presence of GOD and the assembly. We most solemnly and joyfully enter into Covenant with each other. We agree therefore by the aid of the Holy Spirit to work together in Christian Love to strive for the advancement of this Court in knowledge, holiness and comfort to promote its prosperity and support of the Mothers Union Court and to assist the expenses of the Church, the poor and needy and to spread the Gospel to all Nations.
We also agree to maintain family and secret devotions and religiously educate our children ,to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances, to walk circumspect in the World , to be just in our dealings ,faithful in our engagements, exemplary in our departments, to bridge our tongues, to avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger, to be zealous in our efforts to advance this worthy work.
We further agree to watch over each other in motherly love as Naomi did watch over Ruth , as The Virgin Mary did over the Baby Jesus, to remember each other in prayer, to aid each other in sickness and distress, to cultivate Christian sympathy in feelings, in courtesy, and in speech, to be slow to take offence but be always ready for reconciliation.
Let us be mindful of these rules when we think of our Saviour, Our Lord Jesus Christ to secure and practice them without delay.
We therefore agree then, that when we remove from this place, we would always carry out the spirit of this Covenant and the principles of GOD’S Eternal Word.
The Principles of The Mothers Union Court
[1] For one to be a member of the Mothers Union Court one must be recommended by the Mother in charge or the Minister of the Church one attends. They will know whether one is a fit and proper individual to be a member of the Court.
[2] One can either be single or married .
[3] To be a successful Mother of the Court depends on one’s personal attitude to other members of the Court, one’s Spiritual Motivation and Dedication to the Church, the Court and the Organization.
[4] One’s Punctuality, Regularity and Participation at meetings and other functions of the Court and most of all one’s personal relationship with GOD should be at it’s highest level[DEUT.11:13]
[5] One must be committed, obedient and faithful and also be able to discipline oneself at all times.[e.g. Ruth & Naomi and their love and respect for each other are some of the qualities one must portray.]
[6] The Elder Mothers must set good examples so that the younger ones will follow.
[7] The Rules of The Court must be adhered to at all times.
[8] As a Mother one must be a role model in one’s deportment.
[9] One must dress properly in The Mothers’ Union Court uniform at all times.
Rev. Mth. Superiors – Cream & Brown or Grey Suits.
Rev. Mother – Cream Dresses or Cream Suits with Black Inner Shirts and Black Head Ties.
Deaconess – Royal Blue Dresses with White Head ties and white cord.
Sisters – Pleated Blue Dresses with White Head ties and white cord.
Footwear Black shoes.
[10] One must be able to follow and carry out instructions.
[11] The Court stands for secrecy. One must learn to keep and be true to one’s word or promise.
[12] The Bible says that one must encourage one another daily, so none may be hardened by sin and deceitfulness. [HEB.13:13]
[13] One must have Truth, Love, Peace, Freedom, Justice, Joy and Unity of Heart.
The Church was created to meet one’s five[5]deepest needs.
[1] A purpose to live for; [2] A profession to live out; [3] A people to live with; [4] Power to live on;
[5] Principles to live by.
[14] The difference between being a Church attendee and a member of The Mothers Union Court is “commitment”.
Attendees are spectators from the sidelines , but members get involved in the ministry.
Attendees are consumers, members are contributors.
Attendees always want the benefit without sharing responsibility.
[15] It is not enough to say Relationships are important. One must prove it by investing time in them, because words alone are worthless.
[16] Worship helps one focus on GOD. Fellowship helps one face life problems. Discipleship helps one fortify one’s faith. Ministry helps one find one’s talent. Evangelism helps one fulfill one’s mission.
[17] One must always observe the motto of the Court. One must be one’s sister’s keeper.
[18] In the face of all aridity and disenchantment one must be able to persevere.
[19] The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time for love is now.