The Archdiocese


1.      To organize and carry on in a legal and religious manner, the doctrines, religious      teachings and beliefs of the Spiritual Baptist Faith.

.2.      To foster, teach and carry out all the true doctrines, faith or religious principles of the Spiritual Baptist Faith.

3.      To organize and to accept individuals of both sexes into the Fraternal Brotherhood of the Order on voluntary request.

4.      To administer by Prayer, Fasting, Baptism and Holy Communion to the spiritual needs of members of the West Indian United Spiritual Baptist Sacred Order.

5.      To officiate or administer to the needs or requests of members in Holy Matrimony, Burial of members, and also the performing of Dedication ceremonies of infants of members of the Order.

6.      To raise funds for the upkeep and maintenance of the Order and its benefits.

7.      To provide and grant medical, burial or other financial aid or relief to sick or distressed members of the Order as may be possible.

8.      To organize and establish where necessary and possible District Churches, Schools, Evangelistic Groups, or Sections of the Order for the furtherance of the religious, cultural, educational and social development of the members of the Order.

9.      To develop, examine, initiate and certify ministers and other officers into the duties and other administrational principles of the Order.

10.  To develop and further the spiritual and educational knowledge of the members of the Order.

11.  To foster the general upliftment of the Spiritual Baptist Faith.


Funding of the Dioceses’ operation/work is basically provided by ministers’ monthly dues, the member churches’ quarterly ecclesiastical dues and fund raising ventures from time to time. Government ecclesiastical Grant.Contributions from corporate citizens and well wishers are welcomed.


[1] The Archbishop –.

His Grace the Archbishop is the Chief Bishop that governs the Diocese. He has the authority to declare a decree at anytime. He is to exercise jurisdiction over the Diocese. He receives from GOD through the ministry of the Church the authority, which is to be exercised by him in a spirit of service, listening to his members and fostering their cooperation for the good of the Diocese and all mankind, without prejudice.

[2] The Bishop –

His Lordship the Bishop is an official of the highest order, who superintends other clergymen.He is the administrator and assistant to the Archbishop.He is to ensure that everything concerning the administration of the Diocese is properly coordinated and is directed in the way that will best achieve the good of the people of GOD entrusted to His care.He is to ensure that there is a good historical archive in the Diocese and that documents , which have a historical value , are kept in it and systematically filed.

[3] The Bishops’ Council –

Is comprised of all the Bishops who will group together to assist His Grace the Archbishop in accordance with the law in the governance of the Diocese. Each Bishop is the official of the highest order in the demarcated areas specified by the Diocese, superintending the other clergymen and the churches. They are to ensure that every thing concerning the administration of the Church s under their supervision is functioning properly and that they are in compliance with the word of GOD. They are to ensure that the Churches have ministers to carry out the sacraments in accordance to the Laws of GOD. They must also have a historical archive and copies of their records sent to the Chapters Board for their archive.

[4] The Chapters Board –

It is the decision making body of the Diocese.It appoints all operational Boards and Committees of the Diocese. It ratifies all Standing Orders for the proper operation of the Diocese which is binding on all members.It is responsible for the general management of the business of the Diocese between meetings of the Central Committee. It holds meetings every fourth Saturday in the months of February, May, August and November  of each year or any other day as the Executive sees fit in the best interest of the Diocese.

[5] The Disciplinary Committee –

The Dean is the head of the disciplinary committee. He is the Attorney General of the Diocese.He is a clergyman who is responsible for the ministers. He is an administrator, in charge of counseling, discipline and the proper maintenance of the Diocese.Any procedures for disciplinary matters in the Diocese are brought to the Dean for investigation and settlement.He is to see all candidates /proselytes before ordination. Scrutinize them and ensure that they are worthy for ordination and recommend them to the Chapters Board for approval.

[6] The Archdeacons’ Board –

Is comprised of all the Archdeacons of the Diocese.They are the assistants to the Bishops in ceremonial or administrative functions. They are to raise funds for the Diocese. They are to make all rules of the Diocese which shall be agreed upon by the Central Committee and approved by the Chapters Board.They are to, in collaboration with the Public Relations Officers, foster good relations between the Churches and the community in order to promote and defend whatever is for the greater good.

[7] The Mothers’ Court/ Mothers Union –

The Mothers Union is the Women ministry Arm of the Diocese. It comprises of all female officers and female members of the Churches within the Diocese.

[8] The School of Theology/School Board.

The School of Theology Board is a separate entity but must inform the Chapters Board and the Central Committee of its activities.It is to do what ever is necessary to ensure proper management of the School.

[9] The Home for the Aged Board.

The Home for the Aged Board is a separate entity but must inform the Chapters Board and the Central Committee of all its activities. It is to do what ever is necessary to ensure proper management of the Home for the Aged.

[10] The Central Committee.

Consists of all ordained ministers of all ranks. It holds meetings every fourth [4th] Saturday.