Offices and Office Holders


 [1] His Grace, the Archbishop:His Grace the Archbishop, is the Spiritual Head of the Archdiocese.

[2] His Lordship, the Bishop:His Lordship the  Bishop is the assistant  to the  Archbishop; he is the Line of Succession to  His Grace the Archbishop.

[3] The Bishop Designate:He is the Line of Succession to  His Lordship the Bishop, but still functions as an     area Bishop.

[4] The Bishops:They are the assistants to His Grace the Archbishop and His Lordship the Bishop  in their administrative and ceremonial duties. They are to strive to build in Christ a fraternal community, in which GOD is sought and loved above all. They are to chide [admonish] the restless, console the fainthearted and be patient  with all.

[5] The Mother Superiors:They are the Principal Officers of the Mothers Union and are responsible for the female sect of the ministers of the Diocese. They are responsible for the running of the Mothers Court and are to devote themselves to their office with diligence, together with the members entrusted to them. They are to screen all female candidates  for ordination and make recommendation to the Dean.They  are to strive to build in Christ a fraternal community, in which GOD is sought and loved above all.They are to ensure the members are given opportune assistance in their personal needs. They are to be solicitors in caring and visiting  the sick. They are to chide [admonish] the restless, console the fainthearted and be patient with all.

[6] The Archdeacons:They are senior  Reverend Ministers.They are the assistants to the Bishops in ceremonial and administrative functions.

[7] The Reverend Ministers:They are entrusted with the administration of Baptism, the Sacrament and prayer for those who are in danger, anointing the sick without prejudice and imparting blessings.Performing marriages, conducting funerals, christenings, and performing solemn celebrations of the Holy Eucharist [Communion]They   are also entrusted with pastoral care of the members , which must be administered in a stable manner with the attention pastoral care demands and discreetly give spiritual counsel to the faithful entrusted to their care and preach the WORD of GOD.

[8] The Reverend Mothers:They are to serve the Church by providing a balance , supportive ministry of preaching, teaching and organizational leadership to the congregation, as well as to ensure that the Church grows    to its fullest potential in membership and spiritual maturity.They are to work closely with the Pastor/Minister/Leader providing through prayer, study and service an effective program of stewardship and education for the Church.

 [9] Deacons & Deaconesses:They are assistants to the Reverend Ministers & Reverend Mothers respectively.

 [10] Brothers & Sisters :They are the general congregation of the Church.



Surname First Name Title
Ackbir Annmarie Deaconess
Alexander Franklyn Reverend
Alexander Preston Deacon
Alexander Richard Reverend
Alvarez George Reverend
Andrews Fitzpatrick Reverend
Andrews Othniel Reverend
Antoine Violet Reverend  Mth.
Arthur Zera Deaconess
Bain Dearl Deacon
Baptiste Anthony Owen Reverend
Baptiste Gregory Reverend
Baptiste Luvena Reverend  Mth.
Baptiste Lasalle John Ralph Deacon
Barnswell Luna Deaconess
Bart Wayne Reverend
Bascombe-Trotman Ava Deaconess
Best Fitzroy Deacon
Bhawanie-Molino Joyce Reverend  Mth.
Blackett Arthur Deacon
Blackman Dennis Reverend
Boatswain Emmanuel Archdeacon
Boatswain Janice Reverend  Mth.
Boatswain Michael Archdeacon
Borel Earline Deaconess
Borneo Valentino Archdeacon
Boxhill Linda Reverend  Mth.
Brazzier Sheila Deaconess
Bruce Jeanette Reverend  Mth.
Burgess Janice Deaconess
Burke Reginald Deacon
Burris Eden Reverend
Burroughs Sheila Reverend  Mth.
Cadore Ann Evangelist
Caines Iris Reverend  Mth.
Callender Inez Phyllis Sween Reverend  Mth.
Callender Yvonne Deaconess
Chadband Vernon Deacon
Charles Milton Reverend
Charles Rosalyn Deaconess
Charles Youlin Deaconess
Charles Yvonne A. Sorello Reverend  Mth.
Charles Thomas Lynette Deaconess
Charles-Greenidge Leila Esther Ruth Reverend  Mth.
Christopher Elizabeth Reverend  Mth.
Clement Elaine Reverend  Mth.
Clement Nigel Reverend
Clinton Daphne Superintendent
Clouden June Reverend  Mth.
Clouden Roseford Reverend
Coard Sharon Deaconess
Collymore Carol Reverend  Mth.
Cooper Annette Deaconess
Cooper Bernice Reverend  Mth.
Cooper Jacqueline Deaconess
Cowie Claude Dean
Cowie Mayda Reverend  Mth.
Cox Victor Bishop
Crichlow Wendy Deaconess
Daly-Melville Michelle Deaconess
Danglade Eric Reverend
Danglade Sandra Reverend  Mth.
Daniel Claudette Reverend  Mth.
Daniel Peter Bishop
Dardaine Wendell Archdeacon
Dash Garnet Archdeacon
Date Eugene Archdeacon
Davidson Claudette Deaconess
Davidson Kenrick Reverend
Davidson Shirley Deaconess
De Roche Carol Reverend  Mth.
De Silva Michael Archdeacon
Dedier Hyron Sherwin Deacon
Dennie Millota Reverend  Mth.
Desvignes Eunice Reverend  Mth.
Diaz June Reverend  Mth.
Dickerson Adella Superintendent
Dominique Mervyn Reverend
Dominique Norbert Bishop
Donaldson Errol Reverend
Drakes Patrick Reverend
Duke Bernadette Reverend  Mth.
Duke Brian Archdeacon
Duke Osmond Sida Reverend   Mth.
Duke-Jerry Avril Deaconess
Duntin Lancelot Reverend
Dyett Robert Reverend
Edwards Jeremiah Christina Deaconess
Edwards Clyde Reverend
Edwards Eunice Reverend  Mth.
Edwards Hensley Reverend
Edwards Philbert Reverend
Edwards Vernon Reverend
Farrell Keith Archdeacon
Ferguson Dolores Deaconess
Fergusson Inser Archdeacon
Figaro Alisa Deaconess
Figaro Israel Reverend
Figaro Judith Reverend  Mth.
Forbes Davey Cliff Archdeacon
Forbes Leroy Reverend
Francois Hollis Archdeacon
Francois Pamela Reverend  Mth.
Fraser Elvris Reverend Mth.
Fraser Campbell Ann Marie Deaconess
Fraser-Wright Verita Reverend Mth.
Frederick Lystra Deaconess
Frederick Richardo Deacon
Garvin Charles Reverend
George Ena Deaconess
George Magdalene Deaconess
George Monica Superintendent
Gervais Peter Reverend
Gibbs Enid Reverend  Mth.
Gibbs De Peza Hazel Ann Rev. Dr. Teacher
Gibson Fitzroy Reverend
Gibson Hazel Deaconess
Glaud Richard Reverend
Gopaul Leroy Reverend
Graham Winston Reverend
Greenidge Horrace Bishop
Greg Marilyn Deaconess
Gregory Alston Reverend
Guevara Aldwyn Reverend
Guevarra Angela Clement Reverend  Mth.
Gumbs Mervyn Reverend
Hagley Veronica Deaconess
Hagley-Cyrus Natasha Deaconess
Hamilton Leonard Archdeacon
Harewood Gloria Reverend  Mth.
Heath Lester Reverend
Hector Glen Deacon
Hendrickson-Marchan Yvonne Reverend  Mth.
Hernandez Jocelyn Deaconess
Hinds Claude Bishop
Hope Lena Reverend  Mth.
Hospedales Kerwin Brian Deacon
Hospedales Patrick Reverend
Huggins Theresa Deaconess
Hurst Merle Reverend  Mth.
Hutson Cabrera Cleota Deaconess
Ishmael Kathleen A. Reverend  Mth.
Jack-Solomon Doris Reverend Mth.
Jackson Charles Deacon
James Marie Reverend  Mth.
Jerry Cecil Reverend
John Julien Deacon
John Maureen Reverend  Mth.
John Thora Deaconess
John William Leon Lordship Bishop
Johnson Elude Reverend  Mth.
Johnson Henreather Reverend  Mth.
Joseph Bernadine Deaconess
Joseph Cherry-Ann Reverend  Mth.
Joseph Christopher Reverend
Joseph Cynthia Reverend  Mth.
Joseph Mavis Smith Reverend  Mth.
Joseph Norma Deaconess
Joseph Olivere Reverend  Mth.
Joseph Quintin Karem Deacon
Joseph Yvonne Reverend  Mth.
Joseph-Jardine Lynette Reverend  Mth.
Juba Patrick Deacon
Jules Marlon Reverend
Julian Odeth Reverend  Mth.
Julien Elsa Deaconess
Kerr Robert Archdeacon
Lamb Anthony Reverend
Lamb Arthur Reverend
Lancaster Ivan Archbishop
Lancaster Rhona Rev. Mth. Supr.
Lee Grace Reverend  Mth.
Lee James Reverend
Leith James Reverend
Lendore Jean Reverend  Mth.
Leon John Bishop
Lestierre Dexter Luke Reverend
Lewis Dianna Reverend  Mth.
Lewis Gillian Reverend  Mth.
Lewis Leunese Reverend  Mth.
Lezama Clifford Deacon
Liverpool Huggins Felix Reverend
Lovelace Jean Reverend  Mth.
Lutchmansingh Orvil Reverend
Malchan-Murray Zakia Deaconess
Marcelle Shirley Reverend  Mth.
Mark Betty Ann Deaconess
Mark David Reverend
Mark Vincent Deacon
Marshall Clarice Reverend  Mth.
Marshall Joan Superintendent
Marshall Joanne Deaconess
Marshall Joseph Reverend
Marshall Wilkie Deacon
Martinez Christine Deaconess
Mascall Elma Reverend  Mth.
Mc Allyne Hugh Archdeacon
Mc Burnett Wickham Maizen Brown Superintendent
Mc Gregor Joseph Deacon
Mc Kenzie Eyon Reverend
Mc Kenzie John Reverend
Mc Lean Rawle Reverend
Mc Leod Willis Bishop
Meloney Esther Deaconess
Melville Diane Deaconess
Melville Marva Deaconess
Mendoza Mervyn Reverend
Mendoza Nicholas Reverend
Mills Arthur Reverend
Mitchell Beryl Reverend  Mth.
Mitchell Elizabeth  Reverend  Mth. Superior
Mitchell Jeffrey Reverend
Mitchell Mark Dean
Molino Bacillo Charles Reverend
Mollineau Bascillus Reverend
Moore Daniel Archbishop
Moore Pamela Mth. Superior
Morris Yvonne Reverend  Mth.
Munroe Phyllis  Reverend  Mth.
Murrel Elmina Reverend  Mth.
Nedd Thelma  Reverend  Mth.
Neverson Ann  Reverend  Mth.
Neverson Commie I. Deacon
Nicholas Cheryl Deaconess
Noel Simon Deacon
Oliver Bernadette Reverend  Mth.
Orr Frederick Deacon
Owen David Bishop
Parkes Darrin Reverend
Patrick Angela Superintendent
Patrick Phillip Reverend
Patterson Richard Reverend
Pereira Ambroise Reverend
Perez Annmarie Deaconess
Perez Lennard Bishop
Perry Sheila Reverend  Mth.
Phillips  Delores Reverend  Mth.
Phills Marlon Reverend
Pierre Meade Valerie Reverend  Mth.
Ramcharan Annetta  Reverend  Mth.
Ramkissoon Ronald Bishop
Ramirez Don Deacon
Ramsey Audrey Reverend
Rawlins Wilma Reverend  Mth.
Rechier Patricia Reverend  Mth.
Richardson Crafton Reverend
Roach Ingrid Deaconess
Roach-Pereira Yvonne Reverend  Mth.
Roberts Annmarie Deaconess
Roberts Patrick Bishop
Robinson Yvonne Reverend  Mth.
Robinson Cleoritta  Reverend  Mth. Superior
Robinson-Douglas Claudia  Reverend  Mth.
Rodriguez Roosevelt Bishop
Rondon Joycelyn Deaconess
Ross Claire Deaconess
Ryan Noble Reverend
Samuel Gabriel Reverend
Samuel Wayne Deacon
Sandy Hazel Reverend  Mth.
Sebro Catherine Deaconess
Smith Thelma Reverend  Mth.
Solomon Chrystal Deaconess
Solomon Doris Deaconess
St. Louis Frederick Reverend
Sween Haggai Reverend
Sylvester Arnold Archdeacon
Taylor Bewley Bishop
Thomas Anthony Reverend
Thomas Barbara Reverend  Mth.
Thomas Barrington Reverend
Thomas Bernice Reverend Dean
Thomas Dowlyn Reverend
Thomas Marva  Reverend  Mth.
Thompson Esther Reverend  Mth.
Timothy Angus Reverend
Timothy Cynthia Reverend  Mth.
Timothy Kenneth Archdeacon
Tobias Laura  Reverend  Mth.
Towine Lionel Deacon
Trotman Hensley Deacon
Trotman Wayne Deacon
Turner Frederick Deacon
Valley Rudy Reverend
Villafana Anna Reverend  Mth.
Williams Floyd Reverend
Williams Gaston Deacon
Williams Gloria Reverend Mth.
Williams Irma Reverend  Mth.
Williams St. Lambert Deacon/reverend
Williams Veronica Deaconess
Williams Yvette Deaconess
Wilson Edgar Reverend
Xavier George Bishop




Surname First Name Division
Borneo Valentino East
Collymore Carol South Western
Cowie Claude Tobago
Daniel Albon North
Daniel Peter Tobago
Dardaine Wendell Central
Dominique Norbert North
Duke Brian Tobago
Edwards Clyde South Western
Edwards George North
Forbes Davey Cliff South
Francois Hollis East
Guevara Aldwin South Western
Hamilton Leonard South
John William Leon South
Lamb Arthur East
Lancaster Rhona South
Mc Leod Willis South
Perez Lennard South Western
Roberts Patrick Central
Robinson Cleoritta Tobago
Singh Rita South
Sylvester Arnold East
Taylor Bewley East
Thomas Anthony Central
Williams Floyd Tobago